Building for Billions - The Story of NPCI's First Open Source Project

Tittu Varghese

Specialist, Blockchain at National Payments Corporation of India


12:15 - 12:30 PM IST


Join Tittu Varghese from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) as he shares the incredible story of NPCI's journey into the world of open source. Discover how NPCI, the driving force behind India's digital payments revolution, is leveraging open source to accelerate innovation, foster collaboration, and empower developers across the globe. Learn about the challenges and triumphs of open sourcing their first project, and gain valuable insights into how your organization can embark on its own open source journey.

Key takeaways

  • The motivations behind NPCI's decision to embrace open source, the steps they took to make it happen, and the impact it has had.
  • Understand the strategic advantages of open source for driving innovation and fostering a thriving developer community.
  • Practical guidance and lessons learned for organizations considering open source adoption.
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