Open Source for Good - Building a Better World Together

Cole Driver

Deputy Chief of Staff to the CEO of GitHub

Rahul Kulkarni

Chief Technologist at Samagra

Vinod Rajasekaran

Head, Fractional CxO Program at Project Tech4Dev

Akhila Somanath

Chief Growth Officer at Tech4Good


11:15 - 11:45 AM IST


Join us for an inspiring panel discussion moderated by Cole Driver, Deputy Chief of Staff to the CEO at GitHub. This dynamic conversation will explore how open source technology, coupled with the transformative power of AI, is driving positive social impact around the world. Our distinguished panelists bring a wealth of experience from diverse sectors:

  • Rahul Kulkarni, CTO of Samagra, leads digital transformations for state governments in India using open source software.

  • Venkatesh Hariharan, India Representative at Open Invention Network, is a seasoned advocate for open source and open standards.

  • Akhila Somanath, Chief Innovations Officer at Tech4Good, focuses on leveraging technology for nonprofits and social good initiatives.

Together, they will share their unique perspectives and experiences on leveraging open source and AI to address global challenges, empower communities, and create a more equitable and sustainable future. This is a unique opportunity to hear from leaders who are at the forefront of using technology for good.

Key takeaways

  • Discover how open source and AI are democratizing technology and enabling innovative solutions for social good.
  • Learn about the power of collaboration and community-driven development in the open source ecosystem, accelerated by AI advancements.
  • Leveraging open source software to improve perational efficiency of non profit organizations and amplify their social impact on the ground.
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