Building Open Source Mobility Solutions: Journey of Namma Yatri

Magizhan Selvan

CEO, Namma Yatri (Moving Tech Innovations Pvt Ltd)


10:45 - 11:15 AM IST


Magizhan Selvan, CEO of Namma Yatri, will share the inspiring story of building a pioneering open source, open data mobility solution in India. Launched on the Beckn protocol and integrated with ONDC, Namma Yatri leverages Haskell, Rust, and OpenStreetMap to create a transparent, community-driven platform. Magizhan will discuss the technical challenges and solutions, the impact on drivers and riders, and how they are scaling to other cities with their SaaS offering. He'll also highlight Namma Yatri's unique driver-centric, zero-commission model and their mission to make mobility accessible and equitable for all. Join this session to learn how Namma Yatri is transforming transportation in India and how you can contribute to their open source project on GitHub.

Key takeaways

  • Gain insights into developing an open source mobility solution using Haskell and Rust on the Beckn protocol, contributing to India's Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC).
  • Learn about Namma Yatri's unique, zero-commission subscription model that prioritizes driver empowerment and affordable, high-quality service.
  • Discover strategies for replicating the success of Namma Yatri in other cities, and the potential for creating a nationwide, multimodal transportation network.
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